Help: Name

You are only required to enter your first and last name in this section—you may leave the middle name and suffix fields blank if you wish. In fact, the only required fields on the entire form are first and last name and either a telephone number or an email address (your choice, although we recommend entering both). Special characters such as "@#%^" will cause an error in this section.

Note: The only required fields are first and last name in this section.

Help: Contact

In this section, you are only required to enter either a phone number or email address. You may leave the other fields blank. Only numbers are allowed in the phone numbers fields. If you enter anything other than a digit in the phone number area, it will cause an error. Special characters such as "#%^&*" will also cause an error in the City field.

Note: You are only required to enter either a single phone number or an email address.

Help: Coverletter

Browse the different cover letters available by clicking the "Next" button. Once you have chosen a cover letter, you may optionally edit it by clicking the "Edit" button. When you are done editing, select the "Use" button next to the cover letter of your choice.


Help: Coverletter Form

I need help with:

Name section

Contact section

Coverletter section

Submitting the form

Help: Submit

When you are done filling out the form, click the submit button either on the menu to the left of the form, or to the bottom right of the form. (See example image)

Example: Click submit when you are done entering your information.